Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bathing Beauties

Nyle finally has enough head/body control to enjoy the bath.And he's started smiling too!For extra fun he gets to take a bath with Garin.Garin is, by the way, a fabulous big brother. His teachers say he talks about Nyle all the time at school; he can often be found at home saying "hey baby, baby!" to get Nyle's attention or try to calm him down; he helps fetch items for diaper changes; he scooped bubbles from his own bathtub into Nyle's since we hadn't put bubble bath in with the baby, etc, etc. Sure, he gets annoyed when Nyle cries a lot or when we can't attend to Garin's wishes immediately, but for the most part, he's all that could be wished for in an older sibling. (And Nyle is fascinated by him, as you can see from the photos above.)


  1. They look so sweet- the double bath is so cute. I miss G and the little one looks equally wonderful..

  2. We miss you too Alex! When can we plan a visit?
