Thursday, January 7, 2010


It has been COLD here. (No, not cold like the midwest below 0 cold, but actual cold, with water freezing outside and all that, and certainly cold temps - 20s and 30s - for this area.)

The kids have spent a lot of time making nests on the couch to keep warm. Too bad the camera doesn't have a wide enough angle lens to show that they were nestled on opposite ends of the couch. (But it does show that only one would actually sleep, and even that wasn't for very long.)


  1. Both very sweet! Even if they arent sleeping...

  2. Whew Alex - no comments from you for awhile, we were starting to worry! Good to see you're back =) (this is Mel, btw, just too much hassle to log out of Jess' account and then back in with mine)
